Sunday, June 24, 2012

Paws is just hanging out (Bored).....

 Uh huh, I fell asleep when i was sitting on the couch...
 Then i wolke up and walked off....It was a very boring day :T...
 I also like staring at people.....What?!? It's fun! :D
And lastly.....I loooove to play :D!So, I decided to play! ;3



  1. so...i was just looking at this blog (like i have been doing ALL day =P).then my computer was i re-loaded it...then i saw this post =DDDDDDDDDDDDDD that made me happy lol.yeah did yuo like the new good-luck charlie? =D. i was intresting.pastacio dude was strange....LOL

    -kara, who is STIIIIILLLLLLLLLL hyper from her sisters candy =DDDDDDDDDD


Paws sees that you are about to post a comment!
Paws dosent like Mean or rude comments,
So he deletes them!!
And the nice comments...
He treasures! :D
So be nice while commenting!!!